Tuapse Limanındaki Gümrük Kontrolleri ve Zorunlu Belgeler

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Uluslararası Hizmet Ticareti Genel Müdürlüğü

Sayı: E-45864022-724.01-00100509256

Konu: Tuapse Limanındaki Gümrük Kontrollerinde Talep Edilen Zorunlu Belgelere Dair


İş insanlarımızın ve taşımacılarımızın Rusya’nın Tuapse Limanında karşılaştıkları muhtelif sorunların giderilmesine ilişkin görüş alışverişinde bulunmak amacıyla ilgili kuramlarımızın katılımıyla Rus heyeti ile 24 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde “Türk-Rus Tuapse Limanı İstişare Toplantısı” çevrimiçi olarak düzenlenmiştir. Bu toplantıda Tuapse Limanındaki sorunların giderilmesi konusunda Türk ve Rus tarafının atabileceği adımlara ilişkin olarak mutabakata varılmıştır.

Bu çerçevede, anılan toplantıda gemilerimizin Tuapse Limanı’na varışından önce Türk firmalarımızca hazırlanması öngörülen ve Tuapse Limanındaki gümrük kontrollerinde Rus tarafınca talep edilecek olan tüm gerekli belgelerin listesi Bakanlığımıza iletilmiş olup Tuapse Limanına ulaşan gemilerimizin eksik belgeler nedeni ile gecikme yaşamamaları adına yazımız ekinde yer verilen belgelerin Limana giriş öncesinde hazır edilmelerinde fayda görülmektedir.

Bilgilerini ve konu ile alakalı olarak kuruluşunuza üye ilgili firmalara bilgilendirmede bulunulması hususunda gereğini rica ederim.

Bakan a.
Uluslararası Hizmet Ticareti Genel Müdürü

Ek: Tuapse Limanındaki Gümrük Kontrollerinde Talep Edilen Zorunlu Belgelerin Listesi/Gayri Resmi Çeviri-İngilizce

1) List of documents to be submitted to the customs authority for registration of arrival of water transport in the customs territory of the EAEU.

Preliminary information generated on the basis of information contained in transport documents;

Notification of the arrival of an international sea transport vehicle;

Documents confirming the authority of the carrier and the person acting on its behalf (nomination, agent’s passport, etc.);

Cargo declaration (ship’s manifest) (if the document is drawn up in a foreign language, if there is cargo on board, you will need to translate the information);

General declaration;

Crew list;

Passenger list;

Declaration of ship’s supplies;

List of medicines;

A list of spare parts and equipment (if indicated in the General Declaration on the availability of spare parts and equipment on an additional sheet);

Document on state registration and nationality of a sea vessel (international measuring certificate, classification certificate, certificate of the right to sail under the state flag);

Declaration on the personal belongings of the ship’s crew;

Transport (transportation) documents (if the information about the goods is not contained in the cargo declaration);

Phytosanitary certificate (for import of goods subject to quarantine phytosanitary control);

Genetic passport for varieties or hybrids of agricultural plants, the seeds of which are imported, the genera and species of which are included in the list of genera and species of agricultural plants approved in accordance with part 7 of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Seed Production” (in the case of import of seeds);

Documents containing information about chemical or biological preparations, pesticides used to treat imported seeds (in case of import of seeds treated with chemical or biological preparations, pesticides);

A contract (agreement) for planting seeds of agricultural plants for conducting expert examinations (or) research works and (or) for use for educational purposes, providing for their importation into the territory of the Russian Federation (if there is such a contract (agreement); Veterinary certificate or permit for transit of controlled goods through the territory of the Russian Federation (upon arrival of goods subject to veterinary supervision);

Certificate of state registration (upon arrival of goods subject to sanitary and quarantine control);

A copy of the registration certificate of the state registration of the pesticide and (or) agrochemicals or information of the registration certificate of the state registration of the pesticide and (or) agrochemicals (when importing controlled goods).

2) List of documents to be submitted to the customs authority for registration of the arrival of motor transport in the customs territory of the EAEU.

Preliminary information formed on the basis of information contained in transport documents (must be submitted prior to the arrival of a RO-RO sea vessel at the checkpoint);

International consignment note (CMR);


Driver’s identification documents confirming their authority

for representation of interests on behalf of the carrier, documents for a motor vehicle (passport, registration certificate, employment contract with the carrier, in the case of renting a truck – a lease agreement);

Phytosanitary certificate (for import of goods subject to quarantine phytosanitary control);

Genetic passports for varieties or hybrids of agricultural plants, the seeds of which are imported, the genera and species of which are included in the list of genera and species of agricultural plants approved in accordance with part 7 of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Seed Production” (in the case of import of seeds);

Documents containing information about chemical or biological preparations, pesticides used to treat imported seeds (in case of import of seeds treated with chemical or biological preparations, pesticides);

A contract (agreement) for the supply of seeds of agricultural plants for conducting expert examinations (or) research works and (or) for use for educational purposes, providing for their importation into the territory of the Russian Federation (if there is such a contract (agreement); Veterinary certificate or permit for transit of controlled goods through the territory of the Russian Federation (upon arrival of goods subject to veterinary supervision);

certificate of state registration (upon arrival of goods subject to sanitary quarantine control);

A copy of the registration certificate of the state registration of the pesticide and (or) agrochemicals or information of the registration certificate of the state registration of the pesticide and (or) agrochemicals (when importing controlled goods).

3) List of documents required for passing transport control.

Russian travel permit (special permit) depending on the type of transport or ECMT multilateral permit (for foreign carriers);

Special permits for transportation of heavy, bulky, dangerous goods (if necessary); international consignment note (CMR);

Documents for an international transport vehicle;

A document confirming compliance with the obligation to insure one’s civil liability (insurance policy “OSAGO”, “green card”).

4) List of documents required for placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit.

Transit declaration;

International consignment note (CMR);


Specification, packing list (if the invoice does not contain information on the number of cargo spaces, weight and cost, broken down by product at the level of 6 signs of the HS code of the EAEU);

Driver’s identification documents confirming their authority to represent interests on behalf of the carrier, documents for a motor vehicle (passport, registration certificate, employment contract with the carrier, in the case of renting a truck – a lease agreement);

Documents confirming the authority of the person submitting the transit declaration;

certificate of approval of a vehicle of international carriage in the case of carriage of goods under customs seals and stamps;

Information about the document confirming the security of payment of customs duties and taxes.

In accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 80 of the EAEU Customs Code, documents drawn up in the official languages of the member States or in foreign languages may be submitted to customs authorities for performing customs operations.

The customs body has the right to request the translation of information contained in documents required for performing customs operations, drawn up in a language other than the official language of the member State to whose customs body such documents are submitted.

5) List of documents required for placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit.

Transit declaration;

Documents confirming the authority of the person submitting the transit declaration; international consignment note (CMR); bill of lading, air cargo waybills, railway waybills; Invoice;

Documents confirming compliance with prohibitions and restrictions related to the movement of goods across the customs border;

Documents confirming payment of customs duties and taxes;

Certificate of approval of a vehicle of international carriage in the case of carriage of goods under customs seals and stamps;

Documents that provide the possibility of identifying goods (product descriptions, drawings, large-scale images, photographs, illustrations, shipping documents, etc.) if seals, stamps, identification marks or other markings cannot be used as identification tools;

Documents on the registration and national identity of a vehicle of international carriage (in the case of goods being transported by road);

Two copies of the inventory of documents that make up the transit declaration (if transport (transportation) or commercial documents are used as transit declarations);

In order to reduce the time required for conducting customs operations in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Procedure of the Decision of the Customs Union Commission 17 No. 438 of August 17 2010, 2010 N° 4381, it is additionally possible to submit:

Specifications, shipping and packing lists and other documents used in the implementation of foreign trade and (or) other activities, as well as to confirm transactions related to the movement of goods across the customs border of the Union.

In accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 80 of the EAEU Customs Code, documents drawn up in the official languages of the member States or in foreign languages may be submitted to customs authorities for performing customs operations.

The customs body has the right to request the translation of information contained in documents required for performing customs operations, drawn up in a language other than the official language of the member State to whose customs body such documents are submitted

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